A Journey to Wellbeing Blog

  • The Common Sense Behind Manifestation

    I came to the realization that manifestation isn’t some magical woo-woo nonsense—it’s plain old common sense. Studies show we have around 60,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are negative, and 90% are repetitive. Manifestation trains the brain to swap these negative (holding-us-back) thoughts for positive ones. The result? Read the blog post to learn more.
  • Hacking Your Habits for Happiness

    Understanding how our brains form habits might just be the key to unlocking a more balanced, fulfilling way of working. Our brains are like amazing computers. When it comes to habits, they work in a simple loop. Read this blog post to learn how to hack your habits for happiness.

  • Stuck in the Scroll: How Anxiety Took Over My Days (and Nights)

    Let's be honest, we've all been there. That tight knot in your stomach, the never ending to-do list that just keeps growing, the urge to endlessly scroll through social media even though it makes you feel worse. For me, it wasn't just a bad day or two - it became a cycle. I'd wash dishes mindlessly, eat takeout in front of the TV while glued to my phone, all the while feeling that pit of anxiety growing.

    If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Anxiety is something so many of us deal with, and it can creep in and take over our lives in surprising ways. But here's the good news: there is a way out.