A Journey to Wellbeing Blog

  • Can We Combine Wellbeing, Social Impact, and Business?

    Integrating wellbeing, social impact, and business not only creates a thriving environment but also promotes sustainable success. Embrace this holistic approach for a fulfilling and impactful journey.
  • The Common Sense Behind Manifestation

    I came to the realization that manifestation isn’t some magical woo-woo nonsense—it’s plain old common sense. Studies show we have around 60,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are negative, and 90% are repetitive. Manifestation trains the brain to swap these negative (holding-us-back) thoughts for positive ones. The result? Read the blog post to learn more.
  • Hacking Your Habits for Happiness

    Understanding how our brains form habits might just be the key to unlocking a more balanced, fulfilling way of working. Our brains are like amazing computers. When it comes to habits, they work in a simple loop. Read this blog post to learn how to hack your habits for happiness.