The Orenda Tribe Impact

  • Project 14 - Superheroes

    Krash is a superhero that cures cancer by transferring his healing blood to others and he is a superhero who was created by girls from Modern Montessori School and Gaza Refugee Camp during project number fourteen. Learn how we used art to break barriers between communities and empower youth during this project.
  • Project 13 - Amal (Hope)

    For this project, The Orenda Tribe told the participating children from Makani Center the story of Amal, a girl who is inspired to pursue her dreams. Then we asked the children to draw their dreams and each child presented his drawing to the whole class. After that we reflected the children's dreams on the walls of their classrooms as murals.
  • Project 12 - Makani Center

    Makani is a safe space created to offer informal education, teach life skills and give psycho-social support to refugee and local children across Jordan. For this project we engaged the children of the center in art activities that inspires them to pursue their dreams and believe in themselves. We beautified the center through murals on the topic of pursuing dreams and gender equality.