Location: SOS / Jordan
Reach: 18 Children
Year: 2018
The Orenda Tribe went back to work with the SOS for the third time for project number 18. The goal of this project is to shed the light on the children's talents and to empower them to pursue their dreams.
First we did a two-day art workshop with youth between the age of 11 and 16 who live in Aqaba, Irbid and Amman SOS villages. We asked the participants to visualize their ideal future in 10 years. Then each participant painted his ideal future and dream on a canvas.
After that in partnership with Blue Fig, one of the best art curators and exhibitors in Jordan, we exhibited the participant's art for a whole month in Blue Fig and offered the paintings for sale where 100% of the proceeds for each painting went to the artist.
The children attended the opening of the exhibition and were so happy to see their paintings hanging and people coming to see their art.