
ARTales Faith and land - الإيمان والأرض

  • 25.000 JD

Artist: Wafaa Salameh
Instagram :@ w_salameh
Poster size: 42cm x 59.4cm

A print of an original Inked artwork

"وأنت الكبير في علياءك، وأنا الهباءة في كونك، فكن أنت السحب في سفر الحياة”
*كلمات سلمان العوده
Quote inked on artwork
Oh God, you are great in your exaltation, and I am a particle in your universe, so be my
companion on the journey of life.
A Palestinian farmer praying in his garden, embraced by flowers and crops, surrounded
by the nearby houses. In the heart of his element, he becomes a humble particle, a
small existence in the vast universe.